[Major] Machine Learning
ACM SIG 국제 학회 정리
2010. 1. 4. 16:41
항상 이게 뭘까 생각만 하면서 정리는 안해봤는데, 서베이 할 겸해서 정리해봤다.
전공과 관련 있어서 자주 접하는 것들만 표시 쿡쿡..
ACM(Association for Computing Machinery)에는 다음 Special Interest Groups들이 있다.
각 그룹에 대한 설명을 보고 싶다면 http://www.acm.org/sigs를 참조하시길..
See also: Special Interest Group
* SIGACCESS: Accessibility and Computing
* SIGACT: Algorithms and Computation Theory
* SIGAda: Ada Programming Language
* SIGAPL: APL Programming Language
* SIGAPP: Applied Computing
* SIGARCH: Computer Architecture
* SIGART: Artificial Intelligence
* SIGBED: Embedded Systems
* SIGCAS: Computers and Society
* SIGCHI: Computer-Human Interaction
* SIGCOMM: Data Communication
* SIGCSE: Computer Science Education
* SIGDA: Design Automation
* SIGDOC: Design of Communication
* SIGecom: Electronic Commerce
* SIGEVO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
* SIGGRAPH: Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
* SIGIQ: Information Quality
* SIGIR: Information Retrieval
* SIGITE: Information Technology Education
* SIGKDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
* SIGMETRICS: Measurement and Evaluation
* SIGMICRO: Microarchitecture
* SIGMIS: Management Information Systems
* SIGMM: Multimedia
* SIGMOBILE: Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing
* SIGMOD: Management of Data
* SIGOPS: Operating Systems
* SIGPLAN: Programming Languages
* SIGSAC: Security, Audit, and Control
* SIGSAM: Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation
* SIGSIM: Simulation and Modeling
* SIGSOFT: Software Engineering
* SIGUCCS: University and College Computing Services
* SIGWEB: Hypertext, Hypermedia, and Web
출처 : wikipedia
전공과 관련 있어서 자주 접하는 것들만 표시 쿡쿡..
ACM(Association for Computing Machinery)에는 다음 Special Interest Groups들이 있다.
각 그룹에 대한 설명을 보고 싶다면 http://www.acm.org/sigs를 참조하시길..
See also: Special Interest Group
* SIGACCESS: Accessibility and Computing
* SIGACT: Algorithms and Computation Theory
* SIGAda: Ada Programming Language
* SIGAPL: APL Programming Language
* SIGAPP: Applied Computing
* SIGARCH: Computer Architecture
* SIGART: Artificial Intelligence
* SIGBED: Embedded Systems
* SIGCAS: Computers and Society
* SIGCHI: Computer-Human Interaction
* SIGCOMM: Data Communication
* SIGCSE: Computer Science Education
* SIGDA: Design Automation
* SIGDOC: Design of Communication
* SIGecom: Electronic Commerce
* SIGEVO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
* SIGGRAPH: Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
* SIGIQ: Information Quality
* SIGIR: Information Retrieval
* SIGITE: Information Technology Education
* SIGKDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
* SIGMETRICS: Measurement and Evaluation
* SIGMICRO: Microarchitecture
* SIGMIS: Management Information Systems
* SIGMM: Multimedia
* SIGMOBILE: Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing
* SIGMOD: Management of Data
* SIGOPS: Operating Systems
* SIGPLAN: Programming Languages
* SIGSAC: Security, Audit, and Control
* SIGSAM: Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation
* SIGSIM: Simulation and Modeling
* SIGSOFT: Software Engineering
* SIGUCCS: University and College Computing Services
* SIGWEB: Hypertext, Hypermedia, and Web
출처 : wikipedia